CSRS - Spring 2021 is now accepting submissions for the following types of paper, demo, and presentation.
full paper
- submissions for full paper include a final paper
- final copy of full paper is due by 15th April 2021
- all student and faculty co-authors involved in the work should be used to register the paper
- n.b. this is also a way for your co-authors and research supervisors to know that they are part of the submission
- a full paper should include a detailed review of research, project development, or associated work
- paper should be approximately 6 or more pages...
- 15 minutes time slot per full paper presentation
- submissions for demonstrations are due by 15th April 2021
- demonstrations may include class projects, Independent Study demos, and similar lighter weight project and research work
- a 1 to 2 page paper is required with a link to the project's GitHub/GitLab repository
- 5 to 10 minutes time slot per demonstration
lightning talk
- submissions for lightning talks are due by 22nd April 2021
- suitable as a quick introduction or overview of a project, research, or similar material
- an abstract of approximately 250 words is required with a Pecha Kucha slide presentation
- 5 minutes maximum time slot per lightning talk
- submissions for posters are due by 22nd April 2021
- this option does not provide a speaking splot
- a poster document and/or brief video demo may be submitted